On 8/1/13 5:59 PM, JvJ wrote: > I'm looking for an associative data structure that can be accessed by both > rows and columns, and could potentially be sparse. > > Suppose the following table is called t: > > | | :A | :B | :C ||---+------+------+----------|| 1 | | > | '[x y z] || 2 | "2a" | "2b" | || 3 | | | || 3 | > :3a | | "Foo" | > > > Then (t :A) would return {2 "2a", 3 :3a}, and (t 2) would return {:A "2a", > :B "2b"}. > (t :A 2) or (t 2 :A) would return "2a". > > I'm thinking of implementing it as a simple map of maps with some extra > functions, but I'm not sure if > that would be the best option. > > I would recommend looking at the clojure.set namespace. it has an index function which builds indices
user> (require '[clojure.set :as s]) nil user> (clojure.repl/doc s/index) ------------------------- clojure.set/index ([xrel ks]) Returns a map of the distinct values of ks in the xrel mapped to a set of the maps in xrel with the corresponding values of ks. nil user> (s/index [{:row 1 :col 2}] [:row]) {{:row 1} #{{:row 1, :col 2}}} user> (merge (s/index [{:row 1 :col 2}] [:row]) (s/index [{:row 1 :col 2}] [:col]) (s/index [{:row 1 :col 2}] [:row :col])) {{:col 2, :row 1} #{{:row 1, :col 2}}, {:col 2} #{{:row 1, :col 2}}, {:row 1} #{{:row 1, :col 2}}} user> (def d (merge (s/index [{:row 1 :col 2}] [:row]) (s/index [{:row 1 :col 2}] [:col]) (s/index [{:row 1 :col 2}] [:row :col]))) #'user/d user> (get d {:col 2}) #{{:row 1, :col 2}} user> (get d {:row 1}) #{{:row 1, :col 2}} user> (get d {:row 1 :col 2}) #{{:row 1, :col 2}} user> -- And what is good, Phaedrus, And what is not good— Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?
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