I have an application which is built fine with uberjar with an exception of 
two things which do not get incuded:
1) Additonal jar files (about 150Mb) from various Java libraries that are 
not present on Clojars and that I have no power of will or time of trying 
to upload them there. This folder is speciiified with :resource-paths in 
2) About 150Mb of resources such as pictures and video-files which are 
loaded by these java libraries using *their own methods* which I cannot 

What lein uberjar does - it skips these files and simply creates an 
incomplete jar with my compiled sources, which does not launch because it 
is missing those files. However, "lein run" works just fine!

My question is: how do I make a single jar with lein that, being run with 
"java -jar" exposes the same behavior as simply "lein run"?

PS: As an idea: when I was programming in Scala, I was using 
"com.jdotsoft.jarloader.JarClassLoader" which was the entry point in my app 
and I could simply put all files into the jar and it would search them in 
that order:
1) recursively inside the jar
2) in the same folder as the jar (which would allow simple externalizing of 
files like settings files if needed to be exposed to users).
3) in system path folders...
Maybe there is a way to use that magical JarClassLoader with 

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