There is already a symbol? predicate in core. Why are you defining your
own? Does your problem disappear when you use the one from core?
What exactly are you trying to do? I use definline quite frequently and
have never encountered such problems...
On 20/06/13 10:35, Colin Fleming wrote:
Hi all,
I'm having a problem where a definline'd function is not working when
used as a predicate for filtering. It seems to work sporadically -
occasionally it works, occasionally it doesn't. I'm thinking it's
probably a compile problem since it seems to work or not work
consistently for each compile (i.e. if it's not working and I
recompile, it may work).
The predicate looks like this:
(definline symbol? [element]
`(instance? ClSymbol ~element))
I'm using it like this:
(defn all-symbols [coll]
(filter psi/symbol? (psi/children coll)))
And calling all-symbols like this:
(map (fn [sym]
(if-let [target (symbols (name sym))]
[sym target]))
(all-symbols exclude))
I then get an exception that one of the elements in the collection
doesn't implement Named, which ClSymbol does.
I also tested this in the repl:
Clojure 1.5.1
(in-ns 'plugin.psi)
=> plugin.psi
(symbol? 2)
=> false
(filter symbol? [1 2 3])
=> (1 2 3)
Am I missing something obvious here?
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