As Rob mentioned, I won't be doing further development Loom anytime in the near future. However, if critical mass forms around a fork or alterate project, I'd be happy to add a prominent link in the readme.
Justin On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:10:23 AM UTC-4, Stephen Kockentiedt wrote: > > My bad. I did only find the original repository of loom and thought it was > abandoned. I should have taken more care while looking at it. My approach > was apparently the same in abstracting multiple graph implementations under > one API. However, I see some problems with Loom's API, namely: > > 1. The specifications of the protocol functions are very sparse. E.g., > which nodes shall a directed graph return from neighbors? Successors, > predecessors or both? > 2. How do I know if the graph implementation works by mutating the given > object or returning a new one? > 3. Loom assumes that every graph is editable. That is definitely not the > case. > 4. I think a protocol should be as easy to implement as possible. The > additional functionality can be given by functions relying on the protocol > functions. E.g., in the user API of my code, there is a function > direct-predecessors which provides this functionality (albeit slow) for > graph implementations which did not implement the corresponding protocol > function: > > (defn direct-predecessors > "Returns a set or sequence of all nodes n2 for which > (has-edge? g n2 n) returns true. May not contain > duplicates." > [g n] > (if (satisfies? p/PPredecessorGraph g) > (p/direct-predecessors g n) > (filter #(p/has-edge? g % n) (p/nodes g)))) > > E.g., implementations of Loom's API need to provide two implementations of > neighbors and need to implement add-nodes* instead of only add-node*. > This may not be much more work to do. However, the easier the API, the more > implementations there will be. > > Please, don't get me wrong. I think that Loom is a great project, has the > same goals and, in terms of functionality, is way ahead of my efforts. > > Said all that, I definitely don't want there to be two competing graph > APIs. That would be counterproductive. I see the following possible > solutions: > > 1. I keep the code to myself and let loom be the sole graph API. > 2. We transfer the advantages of my proposal to Loom and change its API. > Do you know of any implementations of the API outside Loom itself? If there > are none, this should be possible without much trouble. Also, the README > states that the API is alpha-stage. > 3. I publish my code and each API can be implemented in terms of the other > one. I'm not sure that this is possible in a simple way. Maybe each > protocol could be extended to java.lang.Object, which calls the protocols > of the other API, but I don't know if that is feasible. > > Please tell me what you think. I will also send Aysylu an email so that > she can chime in on the conversation. > > > Am Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013 07:02:52 UTC+2 schrieb Rob Lachlan: >> >> Loom was indeed working on this, and it's a very nice library. One thing >> that I particularly liked about Justin's design, was the ability to run a >> graph algorithm without worrying about conforming to a particular graph >> representation. See for example the bread first search function, here: >> >> >> >> All the bfs function requires is a neighbors function and and a start >> vertex. Simple and easy to use. >> >> Justin had said that he won't be actively developing loom for the >> forseeable future; I was hoping to develop it further, but I only got as >> far as implementing a max flow algorithm before the rest of my life got >> in the way of my plans. I know that Aysylu was doing a fair amount of work >> on loom, so I'd guess that her repo is the most advanced one. >> >> Stephen: >> I think the set of protocols above is good, better than Loom's in fact; >> notably, the decision to make direct-predecessors optional is the correct >> one, and a lot of graph libraries get that wrong. >> >> If you want to compare how loom did it: >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Monday, June 17, 2013 1:14:34 PM UTC-7, dgrnbrg wrote: >>> >>> I think that there's already a project working on this called Loom. The >>> furthest-developed fork is here: which >>> appears to have protocols for graphs, bindings to Titanium (the >>> Clojurewerkz graph DB library), visualization support, and implementations >>> of several algorithms. >>> >>> Maybe there's a way to incorporate these projects? >>> >>> On Monday, June 17, 2013 3:38:45 PM UTC-4, Stephen Kockentiedt wrote: >>>> >>>> Hello, >>>> >>>> I want to create a graph API similar to what core.matrix is for >>>> matrices. I have created some protocols which every graph implementation >>>> has to satisfy and a prototype implementation. Now I want your feedback on >>>> these protocols. Which functions do you want to see which aren't there? >>>> Which functions should be changed? Are there problems with the general >>>> design? Have you any other feedback? >>>> >>>> Here are the protocol definitions: >>>> >>>> (defprotocol PGraph >>>> "Minimal functionality of a graph." >>>> (directed? [g] >>>> "Returns true if the graph is directed and false if the >>>> graph is undirected. If it is undirected, all functions >>>> taking two nodes must be commutative with regard to >>>> these nodes.") >>>> (nodes [g] >>>> "Returns a set or sequence of all nodes of the graph. May >>>> not contain duplicates.") >>>> (has-edge? [g n1 n2] >>>> "Returns true if the graph g has an edge from node n1 >>>> to node n2.") >>>> (direct-successors [g n] >>>> "Returns a set or sequence of all nodes n2 for which >>>> (has-edge? g n n2) returns true. May not contain >>>> duplicates.")) >>>> >>>> (defprotocol PPredecessorGraph >>>> "Optional functionality of a graph which can give a >>>> list of all direct predecessors of a node." >>>> (direct-predecessors [g n] >>>> "Returns a set or sequence of all nodes n2 for which >>>> (has-edge? g n2 n) returns true. May not contain >>>> duplicates.")) >>>> >>>> (defprotocol PEditableGraph >>>> "Minimal functionality of an editable graph." >>>> (mutable? [g] >>>> "Returns true if the graph is mutated in place. >>>> If true is returned, the other functions change >>>> the graph passed as the first argument and return >>>> the same graph object. If false is returned, the >>>> functions return a new graph and the old graph is >>>> unchaged.") >>>> (add-node [g n] >>>> "Adds the node n to the graph g. If it already >>>> contained n, the graph will not be changed.") >>>> (remove-node [g n] >>>> "Removes the node n from the graph g. If it did >>>> not contain n, the graph will not be changed.") >>>> (add-edge [g n1 n2] >>>> "Adds an edge from node n1 to node n2 to the graph g. >>>> If one or both of the nodes is not present it will >>>> be added to the graph. If the edge was already present, >>>> the graph will not be changed.") >>>> (remove-edge [g n1 n2] >>>> "Removes the edge from node n1 to the node n2 from >>>> the graph g. If it did not contain the edge, the graph >>>> will not be changed.")) >>>> >>>> (defprotocol PWeightedGraph >>>> "Functionality of a graph whose edges can be weighted." >>>> (edge-weight [g n1 n2] >>>> "Returns the weight of the edge from node n1 to >>>> node n2.")) >>>> >>>> (defprotocol PEditableWeightedGraph >>>> "Functionality of a weighted graph whose weights can be >>>> changed." >>>> (update-edge-weight [g n1 n2 f] >>>> "Updates the weight of the edge from node n1 to node n2, >>>> where f is a function taking the old value and returning >>>> the new one. If the graph did not contain the edge, it >>>> will be created.")) >>>> >>>> (defprotocol PNodeDataGraph >>>> "Functionality of a graph which stores data with its >>>> nodes." >>>> (node-data [g n] >>>> "Returns the data of the node n.")) >>>> >>>> (defprotocol PEditableNodeDataGraph >>>> "Functionality of a graph which stores editable data >>>> with its nodes." >>>> (update-node-data [g n f] >>>> "Updates the data of the node n, where f is a function >>>> taking the old value and returning the new one. If the >>>> graph did not contain the node, it will be added.")) >>>> >>>> (defprotocol PEdgeDataGraph >>>> "Functionality of a graph which stores data with its edges." >>>> (edge-data [g n1 n2] >>>> "Returns the data of the edge from node n1 to node n2.")) >>>> >>>> (defprotocol PEditableEdgeDataGraph >>>> "Functionality of a graph which stores editable data >>>> with its edges." >>>> (update-edge-data [g n1 n2 f] >>>> "Changes the data of the edge from node n1 to n2, where >>>> f is a function taking the old value and returning the >>>> new one. If the graph did not contain the edge, it will >>>> be added.")) >>>> >>> -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. 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