On Wednesday, March 13, 2013 3:17:49 PM UTC+1, Joachim De Beule wrote:

> This gives the following error:
> "ClassNotFoundException org.mortbay.log.Logger 
>  java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run (URLClassLoader.java:202)"
> The problem disappears when I do not include [ring.util.serve]. For some 
> reason that I do not understand. the problem also disappears when I 
> include [org.apache.mahout/mahout-integration "0.7"] as a dependency in the 
> project file. Neither of these options is a real solution though, (because 
> I need ring.util.serve and I do not need mahout.integration).
> Any ideas? I'm using lein 2.0 + emacs and nrepl.

Dependency pain. It's smart to do `lein deps :tree`, which should show 
which dependencies you've fetched. In this case it seems like 
"6.1.22"] (and a ton of other stuff) is dragged in by mahout. 
ring.util.serve uses its logger without directly depend on it through 
ring-jetty-adapter. This would have been fine, if it weren't for the fact 
that ring-jetty-adapter changed from mortbay's jetty to eclipse's jetty in 
the recent versions, and that the most recent version of ring uses the 
latest version. And when two versions clash, the highest one is picked 
unless version ranges comes into play.

To fix, just directly depend on mortbay's jetty: the latest stable version 
is 6.1.26, so add in [org.mortbay.jetty/jetty "6.1.26"] to your deps. That 
should fix it.

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