I finally got this to work. Many thanks for all of the help that I was
given here.

The final, winning combination was:

(let [username (get-in @um/interactions [:omniture-api-
credentials :username])
    secret (get-in @um/interactions [:omniture-api-credentials :shared-
    random-number (math/round (* (rand 1 ) 1000000))
    nonce (DigestUtils/md5Hex (str random-number))
    nonce-encoded-base64 (base64-encode (.getBytes nonce))
    date-formatter (new SimpleDateFormat "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
    created (.format date-formatter (new Date))
    nonce-as-bytes (.getBytes nonce)
    created-as-bytes (.getBytes created)
    secret-as-bytes (.getBytes secret)
    digest (.digest
                (doto (java.security.MessageDigest/getInstance
                      (.update nonce-as-bytes)
                      (.update created-as-bytes)
                       (.update secret-as-bytes)))
    digest-base64 (base64-encode digest)
    header (apply str " UsernameToken Username=\""  username  "\"
PasswordDigest=\"" digest-base64 "\" Nonce=\"" nonce-encoded-base64
"\" Created=\"" created "\"")]

On Mar 4, 10:47 am, larry google groups <lawrencecloj...@gmail.com>
> I have been having problems making an API call to Omniture. I have
> exchanged a dozen emails with a developer at Omniture, and he gave me
> the impression that I was constructing my security codes incorrectly.
> So now I am confronting my ignorance over how Java handles certain
> conversions.
> The developer at Omniture sent me this explanation in an email:
> " The security digest is formed from a sha1 hash of the following
> string concatenation:
> digest = sha1( Binary Nonce + Created Time String + API Secret Hex
> String (32 bytes) )  "
> I have been struggling with this for several days and I have tried at
> least (literally) 200 variations on this bit of code:
> (let [username (get-in @um/interactions [:omniture-api-
> credentials :username])
>       secret (get-in @um/interactions [:omniture-api-
> credentials :shared-secret])
>       nonce (DigestUtils/md5Hex (random-string 32))
>       nonce-encoded-base64 (Base64/encodeBase64 (.getBytes nonce))
>       date-formatter (new SimpleDateFormat "yyyy-MM-
> dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")
>       created (.format date-formatter (new Date))
>       digest-as-string (apply str (.getBytes nonce) created secret)
>       digest (.digest (java.security.MessageDigest/getInstance "sha1")
> digest-as-string)
>       header (apply str " UsernameToken Username=\""  username  "\"
> PasswordDigest=\"" digest "\" Nonce=\"" nonce-encoded-base64 "\"
> Created=\"" created "\"")]
>                 header)
> This version gives me:
> "Exception in the main function: " #<ClassCastException
> java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to [B>
> For a long time I was using this for the last 3 lines:
>       digest-as-string (apply str nonce created secret)
>       digest (.digest (java.security.MessageDigest/getInstance "sha1")
> (.getByes digest-as-string))
>       header (apply str " UsernameToken Username=\""  username  "\"
> PasswordDigest=\"" digest "\" Nonce=\"" nonce-encoded-base64 "\"
> Created=\"" created "\"")
> Here I wrapped the whole digest-as-string in (.getBytes) so there was
> no Java error, but this simply did not work when I pinged Omniture.
> In his email, he seems to suggest that the nonce should be binary but
> that the date and the secret should be strings:
> digest = sha1( Binary Nonce + Created Time String + API Secret Hex
> String (32 bytes) )  "
> But, as I said, when I tried this I got the ClassCastException.
> No doubt some of my confusion is due to my ignorance of Java.
> I was able to take their sample PHP code and get that to successfully
> ping their API, however, my company has an official policy of moving
> to the JVM, and of course I have a personal preference to work with
> Clojure. So I'd like to figure out how to get this to work in Clojure.
> (Needless to say that Omniture doesn't offer sample code in Clojure.)
> I have been using clj-http to make the actual POST calls to Omniture.
> Since I am on a Mac, I have been using the excellent Charles network
> debugger (http://www.charlesproxy.com/) to watch the actual posts
> being made. Everything looks correct, except that in the end the
> requests fails, apparently because the digest is malformed.
> Any suggestions?

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