Perhaps it's time to hit the decompiler :) AOT compile and apply javap; do 
the same for a comparable Java version. This will be a time-consuming and 
frustrating experience and it won't bring you lasting insight into 
performant Clojure because things will change around in the next release.

On Friday, February 22, 2013 12:53:29 PM UTC+1, Phillip Lord wrote:
> > Apparently even Cristophe broke quite a bit of sweat to come up with his 
> > second solution, and did also wander around searching for bottlenecks 
> (like 
> > .equals against =). ^:unsynchronized-mutable is something I've never 
> layed 
> > my eyes on before and I've spent quite a bit of time working on 
> optimized 
> > Clojure, googling for any trick I could find. What is the most trivially 
> > obvious way to solve a probelm in Java takes the most obscure features 
> of 
> > Clojure to emulate. 
> What is interesting, though, it that it's not clear yet why this is the 
> case. What is clojure doing that is slow. 
> Phil 

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