On Sunday, 20 January 2013 21:43:16 UTC, Sean Corfield wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 3:27 AM, Simon Brooke 
> <stil...@googlemail.com<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > So I'm looking around at what is the right stack to use to build a CRUD 
> web 
> > application in Compojure. 
> > 
> > I really like Enlive, with its very clear separation of logic and 
> > presentation. Are there any other libraries I should be looking at at 
> the 
> > templating layer, or is Enlive currently the one to go for? 
> Since you like Enlive, you might like my web framework, ported from 
> CFML: FW/1 for Clojure - https://github.com/seancorfield/fw1-clj 
> It provides a convention-based approach to routes (with the ability to 
> override them), uses Enlive for (pure HTML) views, with automatically 
> cascading layouts (wrapping the views) and a "standard" MVC 
> organization of code. 
> Creating a basic FW/1 skeleton should be as simple as: 
> lein new fw1 myapp 
> cd myapp 
> lein run 
> (or PORT=xxxx lein run if you need to select a port other than 8080) 
> Documentation is a work-in-progress - I plan to port across all the 
> relevant parts from the original CFML version - 
> https://github.com/seancorfield/fw1 
> Feedback welcome! 

Thank you, that looks very interesting indeed. 

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