I used an early version of Clooj in a workshop some time ago, but got 
burned by some bug that rendered the REPL crazy and shredding people's 
code. That scared me away. Probably much better now, though.

On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 20:38:05 UTC+1, Nando Breiter wrote:
> What about Clooj? 
> http://dev.clojure.org/display/doc/getting+started+with+Clooj
> Is it too buggy, or lacking in features, to start out with?
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:27 AM, ulsa <ulrik.s...@gmail.com <javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Good point. 
>> I really would like themselves to be able to set up their own 
>> environment. I think it gives them a sense of control. However, as a 
>> fallback, it would be great with a virtual machine with everything working. 
>> I'll consider that.
>> I believe you can get a similar level of interactivity in both IntelliJ 
>> and Eclipse, but I agree that Emacs is still the master.
>> On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 04:31:32 UTC+1, Peter wrote:
>>> 1. install Leiningen and learn the basics
>>> 2. get everyone an editing environment, with the option of using either 
>>> Emacs, IntelliJ, or Eclipse
>>> I would have people do this in advance, or provide a canned environment 
>>> that has a better chance of "just working". There's decent odds that these 
>>> two steps will eat up a bunch of your time and leave people feeling left 
>>> out when their install/editor/integration is not quite right.
>>> Personally I found the C-x-e of evaluating an s-exp in emacs to be the 
>>> magic that makes clojure a bajillionty times better than any other 
>>> programming language, so I'm partial to something like the emacs starter 
>>> kit. But something like labrepl or eclipse+counterclockwise might be easier 
>>> for people to start with. 
>>> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 3:26 AM, Marko Topolnik <marko.t...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> I think, however, that there is a risk of a disconnect, where newcomers 
>>>>> don't really grasp that there is a JVM running and that code is actually 
>>>>> compiled and injected into it, and that it's for real. They are used to 
>>>>> mickey mouse interactive tools that don't provide the real thing, and 
>>>>> struggle to bridge the apparent gap between running code in the REPL and 
>>>>> "properly compiling and running" files. There is no gap, but one needs to 
>>>>> explain that, I think.
>>>> I think this is a pivot point for everything in Clojure. The harder the 
>>>> mental switch, the more important to make it right away. Without 
>>>> understanding that, it will be very hard to maintain a clear picture of 
>>>> how 
>>>> everything fits together, especially when you start changing functions and 
>>>> reloading them. 
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> -- 
> Nando Breiter
> *Aria Media
> via Rompada 40
> 6987 Caslano
> Switzerland
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