Try these at the REPL: (source re-find) (source re-matches)
re-matches is closer to what you did in Java than re-find, which does something different (find the first match in the string, as opposed to determining whether the entire string matches the regex). Andy On Dec 18, 2012, at 1:32 AM, vernam wrote: > Hi, > I've tinkered with clojures regexes and found a behavior I do not understand. > > (def regex "a(.*?)b(.*?)c(.*?)") ;; The RE string, a little > strange but valid > (def input "abbbcc") ;; The input, should match > completely > > (import '[java.util.regex Pattern Matcher]) ;; Fst the direct java way > (def j-pattern (Pattern/compile regex)) > (def j-matcher (.matcher j-pattern input)) > (.matches j-matcher) ;; Ok > (def j-res ;; ["abbbcc" "" "bb" "c"] > (mapv (fn [g] (.group j-matcher g)) > (range (inc (.groupCount j-matcher))))) > > (def clj-pattern (re-pattern regex)) ;; Now clojure > (def clj-res (re-find clj-pattern input)) > > (= (.pattern clj-pattern) (.pattern j-pattern)) ;; Do we really use same RE? > (For me: yes) > (= clj-res j-res) ;; but the results differ: > ;; clj-res ["abbbc" "" "bb" > ""] is missing the last "c" > > Could someone please explain what I'm missing? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at