Sounds like a good candidate for the Clojure documentation project.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Mikera <>wrote:

> Some thoughts from various Java libraries I have wrapped:
> - Normal functions are generally best for wrapping
> - It can often make sense to have a protocol that dispatched on the type
> of the Java object and/or clojure params for polymorphism and extension.
> Your public functions should often call the protocol functions (after
> applying any defaults / validation / argument re-ordering etc.)
> - It can make sense to turn mutable Java APIs into immutable Clojure ones
> in some cases. Depends on whether the Java API allows this and how much you
> care about performance.
> - Try to type hint with interfaces or abstract base classes only. It gets
> messy if you start making special cases for specific concrete types, and is
> probably a sign of incoherent design if you feel you need to do this. Best
> to figure out the small set of Java abstractions that you want your API to
> work with / expose and stick to functions that maipulate these.
> - Ensure you have zero reflection warnings. Apart from the performance
> cost, they are usually a sign of a logic error.
> - I usually find the need for a few constructor functions to handle
> different use cases. Not sure that having a 1-arg constructor from a map is
> the best low level option - this will depend on the Java API. Often a 0-3
> arg constructor, a clone constructor or one that takes a List<Object> seem
> to be the most common. If there are a lot of options, I'd tend to make
> these keyword params.
> - Keyword args are your friend - they often translate to setXXX or addXXX
> calls in a Java API and enable you to wrap quite a lot of complexity as
> extra parameters to one function. I think these are better than map
> parameters on average, YMMV.
> On Monday, 10 December 2012 13:21:09 UTC+8, Michael Grubb wrote:
>> I've been searching for some best practices when it comes to wrapping
>> existing Java libraries to make them more "clojurized."
>> Unfortunately I've not found much.
>> While I know enough to make something that works for me, I'd like to
>> write it in such a manner that it can be used (and read) by others
>> and not make them cringe in doing so.
>> My first attempt was to simply write function wrappers around the java
>> interop calls.
>> This worked fine and was maintainable.  Then I discovered 'lein check'
>> and saw a whole lot of warnings about reflection.
>> This led me to my second attempts.  This time I wrote multimethods to
>> dispatch on type of arguments and in each defmethod argument list
>> I gave type hints for each argument.  This indeed resolved the reflection
>> warnings, but I fear that the resulting code is rather messy and not
>> too pleasant to read either.  This made me wonder if all the type
>> checking I'm doing in the multimethod dispatch function isn't just as bad as
>> the reflection that would take place.
>> For my purposes and this particular library I'm not really concerned with
>> performance, yet someone else may be.  Can anyone offer me some
>> advice on how best to approach a project like this?
>> Kind regards,
>> Michael
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Grant Rettke | ACM, AMA, COG, IEEE |
Wisdom begins in wonder.
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))

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