Here is the short form of the proposal below:

1. Make as-> in Clojure 1.5 have a syntax and semantic matching how fn
is used in pipelines.
2. Rename as-> to fn-> reflecting its similarity to fn.

-- Terje Norderhaug

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 5:30 PM, Terje Norderhaug <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Alan Malloy <> wrote:
>> The primary point of let-> is that you can insert it into an existing ->
>> pipeline.
>> (-> foo
>>     (stuff)
>>     (blah)
>>     (let-> foo-with-stuff
>>       (for [x foo-with-stuff]
>>         (inc x)))
> This use case of the macro now renamed as-> in Clojure 1.5 is already
> covered by using fn in a pipeline:
> (-> foo
>     (stuff)
>     (blah)
>     ((fn [foo-with-stuff]
>        (for [x foo-with-stuff]
>          (inc x)))))
> A benefit of using fn here is that it also works with ->> just the
> same. However, there is a place for a construct to simplify multiple
> uses of fn in a pipeline like in:
>  (-> foo
>     (stuff)
>     (blah)
>     ((fn [foo]
>        (for [x foo]
>          (inc x))))
>     ((fn [foo]
>        (for [x foo]
>          (dec x)))))
> I propose fn-> as name for a construct similar to as-> used like this:
> (-> foo
>     (stuff)
>     (blah)
>     ((fn-> [foo]
>        (for [x foo]
>          (inc x))
>        (for [x foo]
>          (dec x)))))
> The fn-> macro defines an anonymous function using the same syntax as
> fn, with its forms threaded like in as-> where each evaluated form is
> bound to a symbol.
> In the example above, the result of the first 'for' form is bound to
> the 'foo' used by the second 'for' form. That is, within fn-> the
> items in the list bound to foo is first incremented and the resulting
> list bound to foo, then the items in the list bound to foo is
> decremented with the resulting list returned (incidentally leaving the
> list as before).
> Keeping the syntax and semantics of fn-> similar to fn provides an
> smooth upgrade path from current uses of fn in pipelines.
> -- Terje Norderhaug
>> On Thursday, November 15, 2012 10:35:59 AM UTC-8, Alex Nixon wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I find the proposed function let-> in Clojure 1.5 very useful, but a bit
>>> ugly.  The arguments are backwards when compared to vanilla let, and it
>>> doesn't support destructuring where it easily could (which I believe would
>>> be helpful when threading 'state-like' maps, as I find let-> very useful
>>> for).
>>> I'd like to float an alternative implementation which improves on both
>>> these issues.  Thoughts?
>>> (defmacro new-let->
>>>   "Establishes bindings as provided for let, evaluates the first form
>>>    in the lexical context of that binding, then re-establishes bindings
>>>    to that result, repeating for each successive form"
>>>   [bindings & forms]
>>>   (assert (vector? bindings) "binding must be a vector")
>>>   (assert (= 2 (count bindings)) "binding vector must contain exactly two
>>> forms")
>>>   `(let [~@bindings
>>>          ~@(interleave (repeat (bindings 0)) (drop-last forms))]
>>>      ~(last forms)))
>>> (new-let-> [{:keys [foo bar] :as state} {:foo 1 :bar 2}]
>>>   (assoc state :foo (inc bar))
>>>   (assoc state :bar (inc foo))) ; => {:foo 3, :bar 4}
>>> --
>>> Alex Nixon
>>> Software Engineer | SwiftKey
>>> |

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