user=> (defn f [^Double x] x)
user=> (defn g [^double x] x)
user=> (f 1.0)
2.15078317008181E-316                # GASP!
user=> (g 1.0)
1.0                                                    # CROWD APPLAUDS!

As you can see, there is a workaround: use ^double, not ^Double.  This 
matches what you would do in ClojureJVM.  Not to say the observed behavior 
isn't faulty and needs fixing.

This workaround is not possible for your extend-protocol example.  However, 
making System.Double work as you expect for primitive type hinting on fn 
arguments should also fix the extend-protocol problem.

Probably over this weekend.

 If you care to understand more fully: 

The problem stems from the difference in how primitives are handled in the 
JVM vs the CLR.  Sparing the details, it surfaces here in the fact that 
java.lang.Double and System.Double are significantly different.   
java.lang.Double is a (primitive) wrapper type,.  There is no equivalent in 
CLR; certainly a double can be boxed, but that is not the same.   
Said another way:  

In Java  void f(double x) { ... } is not the same as void f (Double x) { 
... }.  
In C#, void f(double x) {...} is the same as void f (Double x) { ... }.

Said yet another way
In JAVA: double.class != Double.class
in C#: typeof(double) == typeof(Double)

The distinction in the JVM is the reason ClojureJVM asks you to use the 
symbols double, float, int, etc. for type-hinting primitives.

At the moment, ClojureCLR matches the spec of ClojureJVM for type-hinting 
primitives.  if you hint with a type, such as System.Double or 
System.String, other things happen.  These other things match ClojureJVM 
mostly -- the problem being when the type is a primitive type such as 

I think the only place there is a problem is primitive type hints on 
parameters and fn return types. Type hints used to avoid reflection are not 
a problem. 

Your protocol example has the same root problem.  Unfortunately, there is 
no simple workaround as with parameter type hints.  ClojureJVM has no 
equivalent to

(extend-protocol FooProto System.Double (foo [d] d))

because System.Double is not the same critter as java.lang.Double.  One can 

(extend-protocol FooProto java.lang.Double ... )

in ClojureJVM, but 

(extend-protocol FooProto double (foo [d] d))

is not possible.  

The problem is actually the same under the surface:

(extend-protocol FooProto T (foo [d] d))

 expands into something including  (foo [^T d) d) and we are back to our 
primitive type-hinting problem.  So, making primitive type-hinting work 
using System.Double should also solve this problem.

I'll work on it.  Should be this weekend.


On Thursday, November 29, 2012 11:02:19 AM UTC-6, ffailla wrote:
> I have discovered some odd behavior when type-hinting fns with 
> ^System.Double:
> user=> (defn bar [^System.Double d] d)
> #'user/bar
> user=> (bar 1.2)
> 2.35293190771409E-316
> user=> (bar 1)
> 2.35069794048985E-316
> The same behavior occurs when extending double via extend-protocol or 
> extend-type:
> user=> (defprotocol FooProto (foo [_]))
> user=> (extend-protocol FooProto System.Double (foo [d] d))
> nil
> user=> (foo 1.2)
> 2.25126584588049E-316
> Any ideas?  Thanks.
> -Frank Failla

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