For our long-running clojure server app, I found that adding `:jvm-opts 
["-server"]` to the project.clj increased performance a bit. It's too much 
info for this post, but hers'a good description from 

On Monday, October 22, 2012 2:30:48 PM UTC-4, larry google groups wrote:
> I am fairly new to Clojure, and new to the JVM, so I do not know how to 
> diagnose a dying app.
> I have a very simple app that tries to keep track (in memory) of who is 
> logged in. I'll show the code below. I compiled this app and uploaded it to 
> my server and launched it like this:
> who-is-logged-in-1.0.1-standalone.jar 40000 </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
> This ran for a day or two, and then it died. I restarted it, and it ran 
> another day or 2, and then it died. I just restarted it so you might be 
> able to see its output here:
> What you see is from some Javascript, which works when people log into a 
> site like this: 
> On that site, the Javascript sends an Ajax ping every 10 seconds. The 
> Clojure app remembers everyone who has sent a ping during the last 15 
> seconds. I don't think this has ever been more than 30 people, so I doubt 
> that I am at risk of exhausting the memory. If the app is running, you can 
> see some usage stats here:
> I have not yet added any security to the app, so there is a chance that 
> someone is shutting it down with spam. (I just got this app up last week, 
> and was planning to add security checks this week). 
> I do not know much about programming for the JVM, so I am curious, how do 
> I diagnose this? I could add some logging, but what should I log? What 
> should I be looking for? 
> My project.clj looks like this:
> (defproject who-is-logged-in "1.0.1"
>   :description "When users arrive at a site like, and 
> then log in, the Javascript on that site should do 2 things: ping this 
> software to let us know that user has logged in, and also ping this 
> software to get some info about who else is logged in. The Javascript on 
> the site should be able to take the data this software sends and turn it 
> into a meaningful list of logged in users. Version: 1.0.1: since the output 
> needs to be consumed by Javascript as JSON, I'm making some changes in the 
> way the registry outputs."
>   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
>                  [net.cgrand/moustache "1.1.0"]
>                  [ring "1.1.5"]
>                  [ring/ring-jetty-adapter "1.1.5"]
>                  [org.clojure/data.json "0.2.0"]]
>   :main who-is-logged-in.core
>   :jvm-opts ["-Xmx4000m"])
> And the core.clj looks like this:
> (ns who-is-logged-in.core
>   (:gen-class)
>   (:import (java.util Date))
>   (:require clojure.string who-is-logged-in.memory_display
>             [ :as json])
>   (:use   [net.cgrand.moustache :only [app delegate]]
>           [ring.util.response]
>           [ring.middleware.params]
>           [ring.adapter.jetty :only [run-jetty]]))
> (def registry (atom {}))
> (defn add-to-logged-in-registry [this-users-params]
>   "We assume some user is looking at a site such as and 
> the Javascript on that site is sending an Ajax request to this app, every 
> 10 seconds, with a map of information about the user, which we need to 
> store in the registry."
>   (let [right-now (. (Date.) getTime)
>         new-user-entry (conj this-users-params { "updated" right-now })]
>     (if-not (nil? (get new-user-entry "username"))
>       (swap! registry assoc (get new-user-entry "username") 
> new-user-entry))))
> (defn is-current? [this-users-map]
>   "If we have not received an Ajax request from a user during the last 15 
> seconds then we can assume they have left the site. We need to remove them 
> from registry."
>     (let [most-recent-ping (get this-users-map "updated")
>           allowed-cutoff (- (. (Date.) getTime) 15000)]
>       (if (> most-recent-ping allowed-cutoff)
>         true
>         false)))
> (defn remove-old-registrants []
>   "The registry should only show people who have pinged this app during 
> the last 15 seconds. We rebuild the registry with only those users whose 
> maps return true from is-current?"
>   (def updated-registry {})
>   (swap! registry (fn [map-of-all-user-maps]
>                     (into {}
>                           (doall
>                            (for [[username-as-key each-user-map] 
> map-of-all-user-maps :when (is-current? each-user-map)]
>                              (conj updated-registry {(get each-user-map 
> "username") each-user-map})))))))
> (defn current-users [request]
>   "The default action of this app. Add new users to the registry, and 
> delete the ones that are more than 15 seconds old"
>   (let [this-users-params (:params request)]
>     (add-to-logged-in-registry this-users-params)
>     (remove-old-registrants)
>     (response (apply str (json/write-str @registry)))))

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