I have some Javascript on a website that pings my Clojure app. My app adds 
in the user info like this:

(defn add-to-logged-in-registry [this-users-params]
  "We assume some user is looking at a site such as wpquestions.com and the 
Javascript on that site is sending an Ajax request to this app, every 10 
seconds, with a map of information about the user, which we need to store 
in the registry."
  (let [right-now (. (Date.) getTime)
        new-user-entry (conj this-users-params { "updated" right-now })]
    (swap! registry (fn [map-of-user-maps]
                      (assoc (assoc map-of-user-maps (get new-user-entry 
"username" "anonymous") {}) (get new-user-entry "username" "anonymous")  

I wanted to get a map inside of a map like this:

{:lawrence {:last_name "Krubner", :image "ziggy_stardust.jpg", :username 
"lawrence", :first_name "Lawrence", "updated" 1350568598742}}

instead I get:

{nil {:last_name "Krubner", :image "ziggy_stardust.jpg", :username 
"lawrence", :first_name "Lawrence", "updated" 1350568598742}}

How can I get the username as the top level key, instead of "nil"?

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