On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Timothy Baldridge <tbaldri...@gmail.com>wrote:

> While digging through the CLJS sources I've seen that protocols use some
> sort of odd bitmask optimization. Is this documented anywhere?
> Or as a more general question, is the way protocols are implemented in
> CLJS documented at all?
> Thanks,
> Timothy

Nothing beyond the source. The bitmask optimization was because V8 was
penalizing us for adding too many non-function properties onto the
prototypes like so:

cljs.core.Vector.prototype.cljs$core$ISeq = true;

This was done to support satisfies?. We can now know that vectors satisfy
ISeq. But as I said above, it turned out as we began implementing the
persistent data structures and implementing many protocols - V8 would
deoptimize when using this approach.

So we needed a different way to encode this information. Every
deftype/record instance now has a 1 or 2 integer fields which represents a
bit mask of all the core protocols that a particular type implements.

V8 stopped penalizing us and this approach has the added benefit of
satisfies? now being nearly as fast as native instanceof.


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