On Friday, October 5, 2012 2:39:05 AM UTC+2, Ben wrote:
> user> [(== 0 0.0) (== 0.0 0.0M) (== 0.0M 0)] 
> [true true false] 

When passing two arguments to ==, == will be transitive.

> user> [(== 0 0.0 0.0M) (== 0 0.0M 0.0) (== 0.0 0 0.0M) (== 0.0 0.0M 0) 
> (== 0.0M 0.0 0) (== 0.0M 0 0.0)] 
> [true false false false true false] 

This is more of a problem with number equality, not the transitivity of ==. 
(== x1 x2 x3 ... xn) can be rewritten as (and (== x1 x2) (== x2 x3) ... (== 
xn-1 xn)). 

So if you compare (== x y z), then if x = y, then the result of (== x z) 
and (== y z) should be equivalent, considering the numbers are, well, 

I believe the issue lies within the bigdec-parsing, which seems to have two 
zeroes: (== 0M 0.0M) returns false, and their hashcode (0 and 1, 
respectively) are different.

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