Hi all,

I really need your advice/help with something I was not expecting! let me explain... after spending almost a week experimenting with different designs for my chess minimax algorithm, I settled down on a design that I like. I like it because it is rather functional (as opposed to my Java one 3 years ago) and at least in theory, most of the job should be done in parallel. To be hoenst it never occurred to me to use hash-maps for such a purpose until I realised that a purely 'looping via map' -approach would not allow me to keep track of the indices easily so even though i would have the numeric result easily, I would not know which move this result originated from. So, that is where it occurred to me to nest hash-maps (instead of seqs via mapping) where I can always keep the originating node as a key. I do think my solution is quite elegant and completely in line with the functional lessons/obsessions/practices etc etc and for that I'm really happy...Of course you can argue the oppposite - no problem about that...:-)

As i was saying the design is pretty and elegant (and lazy!)...Unfortunately it is terribly slow! I mean unbelievably slow...4-5 min to reach level 4? How am I ever going to train by evolutionary means if searching takes so much time is beyond me! Ok let's see inside:

the core algorithm is here:
(defn game-tree
  "Generate the game tree up to a level lazily (via 'map')."
  [root? dir board successors-fn depth]
  {:node board
   :direction dir
   :children   (if (zero? depth) '()
  ((if root? pmap map) ;start futures at the top via pmap
#(game-tree false (- dir) % successors-fn (dec depth)) (successors-fn board dir)))})

(defn search "The recursion of min-max algorithm."
[eval-fn tree]
(letfn [(minimize [tree]  (if (seq (:children tree))
                                (apply min
                                  (map #(maximize %) (:children tree)))
                           (eval-fn (:node tree) (:dir tree))))

        (maximize [tree] (if (seq (:children tree))
                                 (apply max
                                  (map #(minimize %) (:children tree)))
                            (eval-fn (:node tree) (:dir tree))))]
(minimize tree)))

(defn evaluator
  "Returns a fn that expects a tree to start searching using this eval-fn."
  (fn [t]
    (search eval-fn t)))

(defn best-next-state
  "Get the best next state for the given game tree."
  [tree eval-fn]
  (->> (:children tree)
       (apply max-key (evaluator eval-fn))

(defn next-level
 "Generate the next level of the tree using b as the current state."
 [b dir]
(let [team (filter #(= dir (:direction %)) b) ;all the team-mates (with same direction)
      team-moves (concat (for [piece team
                               coords (core/getMoves piece)]
                           (core/dest->Move @curr-game piece coords)))]
 (vec (map core/try-move team-moves))))

As you can see all the usual suspects are there...letfn, pmap, max-key, closures etc etc. I thought it was rather clever using pmap when branching out from the root node but it turns out it only makes a tiny positive difference overall (20-30 sec)...also looking at mu cpus, not all of them are working even though there is so much work to be done on each branch (where futures were created). Is pmap just too good to be true? It is the first time i am using it seriously...

Or am I looking at it completely the wrong way here? I mean, I have done this before in Java but it was only for checkers - not chess...we all know that chess has a staggering branching factor especially as soon as the game opens up a bit. Is it perhaps plain naive hoping to reach at least level 6 in reasonable time (< 2min) functionally?

I really want to hear your thoughts especially if someone has done anything similar...I honestly wish i had started coding checkers first so I could compare with the Java one! at least i would knew whether to pursuit it further or not...

thanks a lot for your patience and looking forward to comments :-)


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