Really nice work, I have been looking for such library for my RPC framework for a long time.
Can't wait to test it out.

By the way, do you have a performance comparison between Nippy and carbonite(the one wraps kryo) ?

I think it's a pretty good idea to exchange data in clojure literal, and also a faster reader/writer is high appropriate.
Thank you for this library.

On Sun 08 Jul 2012 01:43:27 PM CST, Peter Taoussanis wrote:
Hi Brent,

Tagged literals are supported: Nippy falls back to the reader whenever
it encounters something it doesn't know how to serialize:

(def my-uuid (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
=> #uuid "c463d8d3-49f4-4e40-9937-8a9699b1af1d"

(thaw-from-bytes (freeze-to-bytes my-uuid))
=> #uuid "c463d8d3-49f4-4e40-9937-8a9699b1af1d"

There isn't an example in the reference data set since I'm targeting
1.3+, but I'll make a note about this!

No Clojurescript support unfortunately since the lib relies on JVM
features. It's an interesting question... I haven't personally seen a
need (yet?) for fast binary serialization script-side since the reader
performance (usually?) isn't as much of an issue there.

What I'd normally do for example is serialize server-side to and from
the db, then communicate with the CLJS client through the reader. This
could still be a bottleneck under certain circumstances though, so
I'll try think about it...

If any CLJS gurus have comments, I'd be very happy to hear them!

In real world use, are people hitting reader performance limits

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