Awesome, thank you so much.

Is there any way to make it lazy to avoid the dreaded outOfMemoryError ? Or 
is it already lazy and I'm not seeing it / working with it properly?


On Friday, June 22, 2012 7:30:28 AM UTC-5, Walter Tetzner wrote:
> On Friday, June 22, 2012 8:28:02 AM UTC-4, Walter Tetzner wrote:
>> (defn read-records
>>   "Read the data from the given reader as a list of strings, where
>> each string is made up of multiple lines, separated by // on it's own
>> line."
>>   [reader]
>>   (->> (line-seq reader)
>>        (partition-by #{["//"]})
>>        (filter (comp not #{["//"]}))
>>        (map (partial apply str))))
> Actually, you want the new lines:
> (defn read-records
>   "Read the data from the given reader as a list of strings, where
> each string is made up of multiple lines, separated by // on it's own
> line."
>   [reader]
>   (->> (line-seq reader)
>        (partition-by #{["//"]})
>        (filter (comp not #{["//"]}))
>        (map (partial clojure.string/join "\n"))))

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