
Beware the personal opinion!

map applies a function to each element of a sequence and returns a sequence of 
the results.

If you call the "function" just for side-effects, but not the return value, 
then the semantics of map don't apply.

Kind regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: David Jacobs <da...@wit.io>
An: clojure@googlegroups.com
Gesendet: Sa, 09 Jun 2012, 23:08:21 MESZ
Betreff: Re: Doseq, map-style

Thanks, guys.

I know there are easy ways to implement what I want. However, I'm more curious 
as to why the language itself doesn't support this style of mapping 

In other words, why does doseq not follow map's lead here. Is there a 
philosophical difference underlying the syntax difference (doseq [elem coll] (f 
coll)) and (each f coll)?

It seems to me that the side-effecty nature of (doseq) isn't quite enough to 
justify the syntax difference between map and doseq. I guess one could say that 
because doseq is built for side-effects, which are often multiline, doseq 
should easily accept multiline statements. However, my imaginary each macro 
could do the same: (each #(do … …) coll).

What am I missing?


On Friday, June 8, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Lars Nilsson wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Allen Johnson <akjohnso...@gmail.com 
> (mailto:akjohnso...@gmail.com)> wrote:
> > Combine map with dorun and you get the same effect:
> >  
> > (dorun (map println logs))
> >  
> > http://clojure.github.com/clojure/clojure.core-api.html#clojure.core/dorun
> >  
> > Allen
> >  
> > On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 11:32 PM, David Jacobs <da...@wit.io 
> > (mailto:da...@wit.io)> wrote:
> > > I would love to have a version of doseq that works like map (similar to
> > > "each" in other dynamic languages). In other words, instead of (doseq [log
> > > logs] (println log)), I would say something like (each println logs).
> > >  
> > > Is there a built-in Clojure method that works like this?
> Not a built-in, but...
> (defmacro for-each [f x] `(doseq [item# ~x] (~f item#)))
> I suppose this solution is blindingly obvious though.
> Also, I would be curious if there's any significant performance
> difference using (dorun (map ...)) as I assume an intermediate result
> is built and then thrown away. Or perhaps it's insignificant compared
> to what the unspecified function does that is passed to map for
> performing the side-effect work..
> Lars Nilsson
> --  
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