Just curious, what is the name of the tree distance function and does it
have a wikipedia page?

Very, very cool!

On May 22, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Arnoldo Muller <arnoldomul...@gmail.com>

Checkero finds common Clojure source code inside a set of directories. It
is primarily intended to study how Clojure learners write functions. As a
side effect, you can find if students have honestly completed their
homework. It could also be used to find commonly used patterns in code that
require refactoring. The algorithm uses a state-of-the-art tree distance
function that quickly finds common tree patterns. It analyzes the
syntactical structure of Clojure programs and finds similar expressions.

You can find more details here:

Suggestions and feedback are more than welcome!

Arnoldo Muller

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