I can describe the background to understand my last email.

>From the programming point of view, I have been told since yesterday
that what I explained has already been explained better in "Stream
Fusion From Lists to Streams to Nothing at All" from Coutts
Leschinskiy and Stewart:


The article is very clear if you can get used to the strange Haskell
syntax and its lack of brackets.

>From the cultural/theoritical point of view, there is quite well
understood link between data-structures and
some categorical structures.
( I try stay informal and put fancy names and link to definitions
inside brackets )

Types of finite recursive data structures (think of a list) are
defined by being the smallest solution to an
equation like List = 1 + Any x List. Here 1 means the type that
contains only nil, Any means the type of anything, x corresponds to a
pair and + to a choice. So this reads: a list is either nil or a pair
of anything and another list.
Being the smallest solution means that it contains only finite data-structures.
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initial_algebra )

An element of such a type is characterised by how they can be reduced/folded.
( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catamorphism )
fold: forall A, List -> ((1 + Any x Acc) -> Acc) -> Acc
Meaning that there is a one to one mapping between lists and functions of type:
forall Acc, ((1 + Any x Acc) -> Acc) -> Acc
This is the type of #(reduce _ l): you give it a function that takes
either no arguments and give you
an initial Accumulator or take an element of the list and and the last
Accumulator and returns a new Accumulator, and it returns the last

This one to one correspondence can be seen as (reduce _ l) in one
direction and  #(_ (fn [p] (and p (apply cons p))) in the other

This definition of lists (as functions) has been used in programming
languages without data constructors.
( System F for example, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_F ).

If you look to infinite data structures, like Streams, they are the
biggest solutions of similar equations:
Stream = 1 + Any x Stream (if you accept a Stream can finish early)

They are dual (which means you invert all arrows in all definitions) to Lists.
( see Final Coalgebra in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initial_algebra )

A stream is characterised as how it is unfolded/generated.
unfold : forall B, (B -> 1 + Any x B) -> B -> Stream
(See how the arrows are reversed with respect to fold)
And so they are in one to one correspondence with :
exists Seed, (Seed x (Seed -> 1 + Any x Seed))

Which means any Stream can be defined as a Seed, of a given type Seed
that you can choose freely,
and a way to grow from the seed, a function grow that takes a Seed and
tells you:
- either that the Stream is finished
- or the first element of the Stream and the Seed for the rest of the Stream.

For example the stream of even natural numbers can be seen as the seed
0 together with a function
grow = (fn [ seed ] [ seed (+ seed 2)  ]), saying that first element
is equal to the seed and the rest of the stream
is the one defined by a seed = seed + 2 .

A very good paper showing this style of programming, and more, is :


Sorry for the long off-topic.

Best regards,


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