A quick perusal of Google and I can see that term rewrite systems & Lisp
have a very long history. I'm not familiar with any specific Clojure
projects, but it seems like a rich field and there's a lot of literature to
back you up.


On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Matthew Rocklin <mrock...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Maude is certainly quite interesting. I definitely hope that it takes off.
> If there were people in my community who were more familiar with Maude I
> think it would be a good choice for me.
> Are you aware of any project that attempts to implement anything like a term
> rewrite system <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Term_rewriting_system> using
> Clojure?
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 8:46 AM, David Nolen <dnolen.li...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I don't know Maude so I can't speak to much on it - though I've heard
>> good things from many different people.
>> Clojure is fairly well documented - core.logic not so much. People are
>> doing interesting things with it but in order to get proficient it requires
>> quite a bit of reading and research into miniKanren and Prolog.
>> David
>> On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Matthew Rocklin <mrock...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I felt like I was spending a large amount of time learning a specialized
>>> system. About half the time was learning how to pose problems in a new
>>> paradigm  and about half the time was dealing with
>>> language-specific idiosyncrasies. The first is necessary and good, the
>>> second was more frustrating. The manual and tutorials are quite good, it
>>> was frustrating how little resources there were otherwise - it is, for
>>> example, challenging to find a large quantity of well documented example
>>> code. Clojure doesn't have this problem.
>>> I would feel much better about learning language-specific idiosyncrasies
>>> of a general purpose language that I'm likely to use in the future. If
>>> Clojure + core.logic can easily be adapted to solve term rewriting problems
>>> then I'd much rather spend time on it.
>>> On Thursday, April 19, 2012 9:39:35 PM UTC-5, David Nolen wrote:
>>>> What don't you like about Maude?
>>>> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 10:05 PM, Matthew Rocklin 
>>>> <mrock...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> << As a disclaimer I know very little about this topic or about
>>>>> Clojure; please be kind. >>
>>>>> Background:
>>>>> I'm interested in implementing a small term rewriting system for a
>>>>> specific application. I'm willing to spend some time learning a new
>>>>> language/system in order to do this cleanly. I'm currently playing with 
>>>>> the
>>>>> Maude system but am finding it restrictive. I've heard good things about
>>>>> Clojure's core.logic module and thought it might be a good case of a 
>>>>> domain
>>>>> specific sublanguage contained within a general purpose language.
>>>>> Question:
>>>>> Are there examples of term rewriting systems written in Clojure? If
>>>>> not, how difficult would this be? Are there suggested ideas or directions
>>>>> on implementation? I suspect that core.logic's unification system can be
>>>>> leveraged to perform much of the work.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> -Matthew Rocklin <http://matthewrocklin.com>
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