
I'm trying to define some bits of Hadoop glue using `deftype` from
Clojure.  I'm using Leiningen to produce an AOT-complied JAR of the
generated classes.  At runtime, Hadoop uses reflection to load classes
specified by name in (non-code) configuration.  Hadoop is able to locate
and instantiate instances of the class without issue, but then:

    Attempting to call unbound fn: #'byteable.api/byteable?

That particular example is for a var in a different namespace, but vars
in the same namespace as that which `deftype`s the class cause the same
problem.  If I modify the type's entry-point methods to first `(require
'deytping.namespace)`, then everything works fine.

So, is this entirely expected behavior?  Or am I missing something which
would make initializing the defining namespace happen as part of a
static initializer for the AOTed `deftype` class?



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