Seems that the text of cl-format overflows the right edge of the tooltip: (tested in FF, Opera, Chrome)

On Monday, March 26, 2012 11:12:50 AM UTC+2, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
> I've replaced this test page [1] with another one.  The one I posted on 
> March 24 has been overwritten.  The version at [2] that does not use 
> JavaScript, but only the title attribute on anchors, is still there as it 
> was yesterday.
> [1] 
> [2] 
> The new version of [1] uses different JavaScript for the tooltips, 
> simplified so that the tips always appear above or below the link being 
> tipped.  This made it easier to ensure the tip always appears within the 
> bounds of the window.  The only exceptions I am aware of where the tip can 
> go out of the window boundaries is if your window is so narrow (< 600 
> pixels or so) that the tip doesn't fit in the width of the window at all, 
> or too short vertically.
> It should also eliminate the "bouncing" problem that the old one had, and 
> I have made the tips completely opaque, not partially transparent.
> It still probably won't work well with Android browsers with touchscreens. 
>  I don't know what could be done about that.  I did try it on Safari on my 
> iPhone, and found that on a single tap on a link, it showed the tooltip, 
> and it required a second tap on the same link for the browser to follow the 
> link.  I like that behavior.
> Take it for another spin if you had issues with it before.
> All necessary files to generate these pages, including my modified jQuery 
> TipTip plugin, are here:
> Andy
> On Mar 24, 2012, at 3:15 AM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
> > There are still some problems with this, but it is ready for 
> experimental use, at least.  Alex, please don't put this on it 
> ain't ready yet.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I found and used TipTip for tooltips [1], because it advertises the 
> ability to keep the tooltips within the browser window no matter where the 
> cursor is relative to the window border.  I've tweaked a few settings that 
> may cause it to fail to do this properly sometimes, and there are many 
> cases where the tooltip appears so close to the cursor that it "flashes" on 
> and off quickly.  As a workaround, try moving the cursor away from the 
> tooltip, but still hovering over the link if you can.  If anyone knows how 
> to correct those problems by tweaking the JavaScript code or CSS settings, 
> please let me know.
> > 
> > The tooltips consist of the normal doc strings, with the first line of 
> dashes removed, and truncated to the first 15 lines if it is longer than 
> that (very few are).  Most links go to, as usual.
> > 
> > Give it a test drive and see what you think.
> > 
> > Andy
> > 
> > 
> > [1] 
> >​entry/tiptip-jquery-plugin<>
> > 

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