Wow very cool :)

On Wednesday, March 21, 2012, Karsten Schmidt <> wrote:
>> For 3D calculations, (verlet) physics and more there's the java library
>> toxiclibs (, whose author is currently
>> to Clojure. It's not really a cut-and-dried solution, but it's pretty
>> flexible and has a simple API unlike a lot of 3D projects which focus
>> very narrowly on games development.
> Hi guys,
> the Clojure version of toxiclibs is NOT going to be a wrapper of the
existing Java version, but a complete re-write & opportunity to re-think
the current architecture and benefit from Clojure's qualities (e.g.
protocols & concurrency). Also, both the Java and the upcoming Clojure
version are actually only focussed on generic operations & data structures
for 2d/3d geometry tasks, interpolation, verlet physics simulation, voxels,
color theory and related concepts. Neither deals with rendering/displaying
the results.
> So far the Clojure version is still very alpha, and only parts of the
core library have been implemented (geometry tools, mesh & OBJ export)...
> The repository is here (but lacking any documentation, check the tests,
though, for general usage):
> A recent version is also on Clojars:
> [org.toxiclibs/toxiclibs-clj "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
> As mentioned, am making heavy use of protocols (and defrecords). Here's a
slightly outdated map to show the overall structure:
> To give you a better idea, below is also a little example to generate a
3D cog mesh and export it as OBJ model (e.g. for 3D printing or use with
other 3D tools):  The fn creates a circle, converts it to a polygon,
deforms the perimeter to create teeth based on a user provided profile,
then tesselates & extrudes the polygon into a triangle mesh...
> (use 'toxi.geom.core 'toxi.geom.polygon2d 'toxi.geom.mesh.objexport)
> (defn cog
>   [radius teeth profile depth]
>   (let[nump (count profile)
>        parts (->
>                (circle radius)
>                (->polygon2d (* teeth nump))
>                :vertices
>                (->> (partition nump)))
>        poly (->
>               (map (fn[_] (map (fn[v s] (scale-n v s)) _ profile)) parts)
>               flatten
>               polygon2d)
>        mesh (tesselate poly)
>        mesh (add-meshes mesh
>               [(-> mesh flip (transform (translate (matrix4x4) 0 0
>                (extrude poly (vec3d 0 0 1) depth)])]
>     mesh))
> (spit "cog.obj" (->obj (cog 100 10 [1 1.25 1.25 1] 20)))
> Result:
> Best,
> K.
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