I found a bug in Clojure core, and know its solution, question is how
to submit a bug report?
FYI here is the bug:

=> (.withMeta list {:a 1})
#<CompilerException java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

This is reporducable in Clojure 1.2 and Clojure 1.3

This cause of this issue is in:


with the static method:

public static IFn creator = new RestFn(0){
        protected Object doInvoke(Object args) throws Exception{
                if(args instanceof ArraySeq)
                        Object[] argsarray = (Object[]) ((ArraySeq)
                        IPersistentList ret = EMPTY;
                        for(int i = argsarray.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                                ret = (IPersistentList)
                        return ret;
                LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
                for(ISeq s = RT.seq(args); s != null; s = s.rest())
                return create(list);

The withMeta() method should be overriden from AFn where it is
throwing the UnsupportedOperationException. This is being done with
the EmptyList static class further down the file.

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