On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Alexander Yakushev
<yakushev.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I post the following proposal here because I'm not sure I've done it
> right. It would be interesting for me and may be for someone else.
> Decent Emacs-based Clojure IDE

Whoa, hold your horses. Aren't "Decent" and "Emacs-based" mutually-exclusive?

> Brief explanation:
> Clojure has a critical need for a good novice-friendly IDE.

"Novice-friendly" and "Emacs-based" definitely are.

Sorry, but this is probably a nonstarter...

> Expected results:
> Emacs that acts as a Clojure IDE on a level how Eclipse handles Java

Actual results: a large spike in ibuprofen sales at area pharmacies. :)

The problem is the Emacs UI-paradigm. It's so completely at odds with
what have become defacto industry standards (exemplified by Windows,
MacOS Toolkit GUI, Swing, Gnome, KDE) that there's basically no way to
sugar it up into something novice-friendly, or even just something
that won't have the novice ripping out his hair and banging his head
against sturdy objects struggling to make it behave the way it
"should" when he tries to select, copy, paste, move, deselect,
replace, etc.

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