On 08/02/2012 03:05, Asim Jalis wrote:
I frequently find myself passing around maps that are basically structs.
I use this macro to destructure the fields into let variables.
; Macro.
(defmacro def-fields [struct-name & fields]
(let [field-symbol-vector (->> fields (map name) (map symbol) vec)
arg (gensym)
body (gensym)
macro-name (symbol (str "let-" struct-name))]
`(defmacro ~macro-name [~arg & ~body]
`(let [{:keys ~'~field-symbol-vector} ~~arg] ~@~body))))
; How to use it.
(def-fields person :first-name :last-name :city)
(defn print-person [p]
(let-person p
(println "First name:" first-name)
(println "Last name:" last-name)
(println "City:" city)))
(def person1 {:first-name "John" :last-name "Smith" :city "San Francisco"})
(print-person person1)
I haven't come around macros yet, but when I'll tackle the subject
(soon) your example will be useful. Nice! Now I understand a little more
the notion of extensible language.
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