Colin Yates <> writes:

> Has anybody got any "real world usage reports" regarding using literate 
> programming in emacs?  In particular, does paredit and slime work inside 
> the clojure "fragments" when using org.babel for example?

For the update in Pallet docs [1], we've been using Jekyll with
markdown. To edit code blocks within the markdown, I've been using
mumamo [2] in emacs, with a variant of jekyll-mumamo.el [3]. An example
of what markdown with clojure blocks looks like is the how-to for using
a server-rack with Pallet [4] (unfortunately, Jekyll doesn't use the
same fencing for code blocks as GitHub).

SLIME works fully within the code blocks. For example C-x C-e can be
used to evaluate expressions. Paredit also works.

Obviously this is not a full literate programming environment, but
someone might find it useful.



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