On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 4:13 PM, Alan Malloy <a...@malloys.org> wrote:
> On Dec 30, 11:34 am, "Marshall T. Vandegrift" <llas...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Peter Taoussanis <ptaoussa...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > Thanks- that explains it: dropping to extend works as expected.
>> Another option I've been making use of for exactly this situation is to
>> use the #= reader macro to evaluate the Class/forName at read-time.
>> Something like:
>>   (extend-protocol MyProtocol
>>     java.lang.Integer (action [x] "Integer")
>>     #=(Class/forName "[B") (action [x] "ByteArray"))
>> It may not be ideal stylistically, but lets you use extend-protocol in
>> such situations.
> Stuff like this always worries me. It may happen to work now, but I
> doubt if that's a guarantee. extend-protocol's contract is that you
> give it a Symbol, which it resolves into a Class. It surely isn't
> expecting a Class as an argument, because you can't enter that as a
> source-code literal. If you give it a Class, it could conceivably do
> something dreadful like try to call (resolve s) on it to figure out
> what Class you mean, and that will fail when passed a Class.
> For that matter, trying out your example, it doesn't seem to work for
> me. The first fix is to use java.lang.Class instead of just Class,
> since reader evaluation happens in a no-frills environment. But after
> that, it seems the extend-protocol just silently does nothing:
> repl-1=> (defprotocol P)
> P
> repl-1=> (extend-protocol P #=(java.lang.Class/forName "[B"))
> nil
> repl-1=> (satisfies? P (Class/forName "[B"))
> false

satisfies? works on an instance:

user=> (satisfies? P (byte-array []))


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