I am a polyglot programmer and never insisted to change the look of any 
I used them as is assuming that many people worked on their design for
several man years, more that I could spend myself on any of these design 
and their impacts.

I worked with at least a dozen of these (on the job, not as a hobby) for the 
last 30 years.

You cannot make everything a nail so you can hammer on anything with a single 

A choice has been made to use a lisp-like syntax. Just shift your brains 
I can still do it at 50+, it should not be too hard to do for younger people 

This discussion comes back every year or so. I would really be flabergasted if 
Clojure Core
accepts such a change.

If it is so much a hurdle, then maybe people not at ease with the syntax should 
stick with an Algol like language and that's perfectly fine. They are a few on 
the jvm,
just pick one.


> True, lack of conciseness may not be the first thing that comes to mind 
> when speaking about Lisps :-)  
> What I should have said is that I think equivalent Python code has fewer 
> 'noise' symbols than S-expressions. Of course, that depends greatly on how 
> the programs are structured.
> And, that brings us back to readability. Since this subject keeps popping 
> up, over years and even decades, maybe there's something here that the Lisp 
> experts don't quite understand? Maybe it has something to do with programs 
> needing to be quickly understood, even by non-experts?
> -- 
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