
Thanks so much for all the answers, thanks for taking the time to give me
so many hints even when my email shows my Clojure ignorance.

Cedric, you have a really good point, I just realized it after reading your
email. After sending the original email I saw what the error was, but what
I still unable to know is how could I debug from Clooj, other than using
println, any built-in trace a la LISP?

I'm liking Clooj a lot, but really don't know how to debug there. Anyone?

Thanks one more

On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 9:57 PM, Cedric Greevey <> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Mark Engelberg
> <> wrote:
> > I'd also like to know whether Clooj has any debug or stacktracing
> > capabilities.  Also, can the Clooj repl control the print level of
> > infinite lazy structures?
> (set! *print-length* 20)
> (set! *print-level* 20)
> (.printStackTrace *e)
> Having shortcut buttons or keys for the latter, at least, would be
> useful though.
> As for the original code, there is actually a bug in the function --
> namely, if an argument is nil (or false) it stops there without an
> error message and without considering later arguments. Usually for a
> loop like that I'd use (if more (let [x (first more)] ...)) in lieu of
> if-let. That distinguishes the case more is nil from (first more) is
> nil. The correct termination condition is more is nil, in this case.
> The < comparison will then naturally blow up with an NPE or type error
> if a nil makes it.
> An unfortunate feature of the original code, but hard to classify as a
> bug, is that the < test is never performed, and thus no type error can
> be generated, if there's only one argument -- which fact made it
> harder for the OP to identify the nature of their conundrum. Harder
> enough to end up posting here rather than instantly realizing what had
> gone wrong, in fact. An explicit additional test at the fn start, such
> as (if-not (instance? Number x) (throw ...)) would ensure an exception
> throw if the only argument was nonnumeric. Or you could use a
> precondition, which is exactly the tool for the job here.
> --
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