I was studying clojure for a while, and took a break to work on SICP in 
scheme. I found that they do numerous things that are against advice in 
Clojure having to do with the tail recursion.
I got to thinking about that Clojure recur/loop stuff and wondered how you 
would do a quicksort with it. So I went to rosetta code and looked at what 
they had for scheme and for clojure.

In scheme I can do a quicksort which makes two calls to itself and it can 
scale pretty high before running out of RAM.  I went up to 10000 sorting 
from worst (reversed) order to forward order. I do get 
stack overflows beyond that though.

In clojure, the same algorithm produces the dreaded StackOverflow after 
1000 values.
I tried giving the JVM a gig of RAM, no help. 

Below are the (trvial) procedures.

I understand that the advice in clojure is to use loop/recur etc, however, 
a big part of the charm for me of something like scheme is that I can write 
code that is a straightforward statement of a mathematical approach to the 

Although quicksort is really simple, the idea of doing it with loop/recur 
baffles me.  

After a while with the scheme stuff clojure seems very complex and this, 
which seems like a fundamental issue, is not going well for it.

Can anyone post a quicksort that doesn't give stack overflows in clojure?


====scheme quicksort============================================

 (define (quicksort l)
(if (null? l)
    (append (quicksort (filter (lambda (x) (> (car l) x)) (cdr l)) )
            (list (car l))
            (quicksort (filter (lambda (x) (< (car l) x)) (cdr l)) ))))

=================scheme utility to make data sets================
(define (nums x) (if (< x 0) '() (cons x (nums (- x 1)))))

======================scheme call=================
(quicksort  (nums 10000))

===============================clojure quicksort====================
 (defn qsort [[pivot & xs]]
  (when pivot
 (let [smaller #(< % pivot)]
 (lazy-cat (qsort (filter smaller xs))
    (qsort (remove smaller xs))))))

=================clojure utility to make data sets================
(def nums (fn [lim] (loop [limx lim acc []] (if (< limx 0) acc (recur (- 
limx 1) (cons limx acc)) ))))

====clojure call==================================================
(quicksort  (nums 10000))

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