Sorry, I had my query wrong. This driver does work now. Thanks!

On , willyh <> wrote:
I'm using the sqlite-jdbc jar from a maven repository. I use this in

my leiningen project to fetch it:

[org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc "3.7.2"]

I haven't had any issues with it, but that doesn't mean you won't.

On Nov 9, 12:50 pm, wrote:

> sqlite3 had some problems but a later version (3.7.9) seems to work. Now

> the sqlitejdbc jar on clojars version 0.5.6 has the same problems as the

> old sqlite3 command line. Basically, I get this error below when reading

> certain .sqlite files. Is there a latest version of the sqlitejdcb driver

> for clojure?

> cljstudent.sqlite=> (get-data)

> java.sql.SQLException: file is encrypted or is not a database



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