I may be missing something obvious.

Midje has a checker that lets users say things like

   (fact (my-computation) => (roughly 15  2))

Where the first number in `roughly` is the target number and the second is an 
acceptable range around that target. Part of what the checker does in 1.2 is 

      (<= expected (+ actual delta))

Now, Midje is a service. If the 1.3 user has taken care to use 
promoting-to-bignum arithmetic, it would be rude to blow up if `actual` happens 
to be a regular integer but adding `delta` to it causes an overflow. I should 
use promoting-to-bignum addition. In Clojure 1.3, thats +'. In 1.2, it's +. 

I can't use the token +' because it doesn't exist in 1.2:

> java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.Symbol cannot be cast to 
> java.lang.Number (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

I can't use the token + because that blows up in the boundary case under 1.3 
(but not under 1.2).

One thought is variations of code like this:

> (if (clojure-1-3?)
>     (def +M +')
>     (def +M +)

This causes amusing results because of the quote. I haven't found a variation 
that works. 

So what should a library writer who wants to honor the choices of his users do? 

Brian Marick, Artisanal Labrador
Now working at http://path11.com
Contract programming in Ruby and Clojure
Occasional consulting on Agile

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