Your input isn't a legal Clojure form, and the correlation between
input and output is difficult to spot, so it is hard to guess what you
mean. Try a simpler example, preferably with less repetition of
similar-looking values.

On Oct 9, 5:34 pm, Ari <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd appreciate suggestions and insights on how I can collapse a nested
> map with "n" number of keys (levels) to create a flat map which is
> comprised of composite keys and a value. For example, let's say we
> have:
> { "a" { 2011 [ [ "a" 2011 "ari"] [ "a" 2011 "dan"] ] } { 2010 [ [ "a"
> 2010 "jon"] ] } }
> I'd like to collapse the nest into a sequence of flat maps like:
> ( { [a 2011] [ ["a" 2011 "ari"] ["a" 2011 "dan"] ] }, { [a 2010]
> [ ["a" 2010 "jon"] ] } )
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Ari

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