To break down the update into multiple steps use the -> macro:

=>(defn step [world-state])
      (-> world-state

where e.g. update-health is something like

=>(defn update-health [world-state]
      (update-in world-state [:player :health] inc))

then yeah just iterate or loop/recur

=>(take 20 (iterate step init-state))

this is the purely functional way of doing it.

On Sep 24, 3:36 pm, Dennis Haupt <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> in java, i would start coding a game with a loop like this:
> while (true) {
> logic();
> render();
> }
> i would store the current state of the world in an object containing
> the complete data of the whole game and update its values in each
> iteration.
> how would i do this in clojure?
> the outer loop could look like
> (def next [oldstate] (....)) <- input = current game, return value =
> next iteration
> (loop [world initalState] (recur (next world))) // <- the loop
> but how would be world look like? the "best" (most trivial) thing that
> i could think of is for it to be a map which is passed along several
> transform functions, for example
> (def playerHealthRegen [world] (...)) <- input = world (a map), output
> = a new map with a new entry at key "playerhealth"
> each function would then return a slightly modified version of the
> world, and at the end, i'll have my completely new state.
> is that about right? or is there a completely different way i overlooked?
> - --
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> =Ckx2

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