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Am 04.09.2011 19:04, schrieb Luc Prefontaine:
> Have a look at reduce:
> (reduce conj []  (take 9 (cycle [0])))
> take returns a lazy seq. but reduce will return you a vector.
> Looks like you try to translate as if you were using a language
> that allows mutations

no. i am trying to use the function "subvec" to get what would be a
sublist in java. but subvec doesn't work on sequences, and what i need
to quickly solve the problem would be a function that takes a sequence
and returns a vector.

or i could use a vector the whole time and not use a sequence at all.

but you use functions to hold values that you redefine since mutation
is restricted
> to refs and atoms.
> I suggest you look at atoms to hold values if they can mutate
> globally or at recur if you need to implement some recursion and
> rebind new values within a function's body.
> Luc P.
> On Sun, 04 Sep 2011 18:55:12 +0200 Dennis Haupt
> <d.haup...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> solved my last problem, and now i'm stucker than before:
> (def open 0) (def p1 1) (def p2 2) (def emptyfield [open open open
> open open open open open open])
> (defn updated [seq index replacement] (concat (take index seq) 
> [replacement] (drop (inc index) seq)))
> (defn indexOf [x y] (+ x (* y 3)))
> (defn withmove [x,y,player,field] (updated field (indexOf x y)
> player))
> (defn winner [field] (defn winPred [player] (defn rowwin [row] (let
> [beginIndex (indexOf 0 row) currow (subvec (force field) beginIndex
> (+ 3 beginIndex))] (defn ownedByPlayer [value]) every?
> ownedByPlayer currow)) (defn colwin [col] (let [beginIndex (indexOf
> col 0) curcol (take-nth 3 (drop beginIndex field))] (defn
> ownedByPlayer [value]) every? ownedByPlayer curcol)) (loop [cnt 0] 
> (if (= cnt 3) false (or (rowwin cnt) (colwin cnt) (recur (inc 
> cnt))))))
> (let [winnerIfExists (filter winPred [p1 p2])] (if (empty?
> winnerIfExists) open (first winnerIfExists))))
> (let [moves [[0 0 p1] [1 0 p1] [2 0 p1]]] (defn fold [field
> nextmove] (withmove (nth nextmove 0) (nth nextmove 1) (nth nextmove
> 2) field)) (let [endstate (reduce fold emptyfield moves)] (println
> endstate) (println (winner endstate))) )
> how to convert a lazy seq into a persistent vector?
> Am 03.09.2011 23:38, schrieb Luc Prefontaine:
>>>> On Sat, 3 Sep 2011 13:43:42 -0700 (PDT) HamsterofDeath 
>>>> <d.haup...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>> this might seem like a stupid question, but for me, not
>>>>> knowing the type of something is like being stuck in a dead
>>>>> end for anything non trivial.
>>>> It's not stupid, it's normal :)
>>>> In functional programming, most of the time you would like to
>>>> write functions that do not need to know their arguments too
>>>> intimately. You would like to work on collections, maps, ...
>>>> Of course at some point you will need to write functions that
>>>> will look closer to their arguments.
>>>> You can pass functions to generic ones and isolate that type
>>>>  knowledge within them. No need to spread this everywhere.
>>>>> i've made a few little experiments with clojure (not much,
>>>>> just testing some features) and i see how powerful clojure
>>>>> can be - for small to medium sized problems with simple
>>>>> input and output - a*- pathfinding, for example.
>>>>> but how would i port a complex object graph (let's say 15 
>>>>> different classes with 3-7 fields each - person, contacts, 
>>>>> orders, shipping details) to clojure? how would i handle
>>>>> it?
>>>> defrecord might help you a bit here. It may feel a bit "like 
>>>> home". defrecord fields can be referenced as map entries 
>>>> (:field-name ...).
>>>> You can also define protocols that associated with defrecord
>>>> and may ease your pain by implementing familiar functions to
>>>> navigate in the hierarchy.
>>>> Not sure if using a library written by someone else to handle
>>>> these things is the proper thing to do right now. I feel you
>>>> need to break your teeth a bit :) (It took me three months to
>>>> get used to immutability :))
>>>>> the main problems i see are: * do i have to actually
>>>>> remember the complete structure and field names and the
>>>>> exact spelling? using statically types languages like java
>>>>> or scala, the ide autocomplete features really help here.
>>>> If you use obvious names that match the problem domain this
>>>> should be easy to overcome. Protocols could help you here by
>>>> hiding some complex navigation but please refrain
>>>> implementing "getters" for all individual fields :))
>>>>> * what about renaming a field or method?
>>>> Yep of course you will not have this nice refactoring feature
>>>> where you type in place the new name and get the IDE to fix
>>>> this everywhere for you. But on the other hand you should
>>>> have at least 10 times less code compared to java and less
>>>> side effects to debug. It should not be too hard to do this
>>>> using a standard text search. I use Eclipse and the straight
>>>> "file" search. I would never exchange Clojure for Java and
>>>> the automated "Refactoring" commands.
>>>> If you encapsulate frequently exposed fields in functions
>>>> you should be able to reduce the footprint of the code where
>>>> these things are exposed. Hence the name changes would be
>>>> easy to implement. You would confine these functions in a
>>>> specific name space which decrease the like hood of missing a
>>>> change.
>>>>> * if a function needs an instance of the root class of the 
>>>>> complex graph above as a parameter - how do i know this at
>>>>> all? am i lost without good documentation of this function?
>>>>> in java, i just know what a method needs because it has a
>>>>> signature.
>>>> Use the doc string when defining a fn:
>>>> (defn blbl "Returns the meaningful "blblblbl..." string. It
>>>> expects a single parameter, the length of the returned
>>>> string" [length] ...)
>>>> You can describe the expected inputs and the result,  ... Do
>>>> the same thing with your name space definitions, protocols.
>>>> ...
>>>> It's easy, fits with your programming flow and is
>>>> non-obtrusive.

- -- 

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