I don't think it's very typical to pass a form to a function, unless
you plan on using eval at runtime.  If it doesn't need to happen at
runtime, then you'd do this with a macro approximately like this:

user=> (defmacro bar [f] `(fn [& args#] (let [~'size (count args#)]
user=> (bar (+ size 10))
#<user$eval675$fn__676 user$eval675$fn__676@11b4c2>
user=> (*1 1 2 3 4)


On Jul 28, 6:48 pm, Sam Aaron <samaa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm trying to create a fn which does the following:
> * returns a fn which takes an arbitrary number of args
> * calls a helper fn, passing the incoming args returning a vector of 
> alternating symbols and vals
> * creates a let form using the vector of alternating symbols and vals 
> returned by the helper fn as the bindings
> * contains some inner form that makes use of the bindings
> i.e. is it possible to implement something that allows the following to work:
> (defn binding-vec
>   [args]
>   ['size (count args)])
> (defn mk-dynamically-bound-fn
>   [form]
>   ;; returns a fn with sign [& args] which
>   ;; uses binding-vec to create a the vec for
>   ;; which a let statement binds around form
>   )
> (def a (mk-dynamically-bound-fn '(+ size 10)))
> (a 1 2 3 4) ;=> 14 (the number of args + 10)
> Please let me know if I'm being a bit crazy with the question. It's totally 
> possible that I'm barking up the wrong tree with this line of enquiry.
> Sam
> ---http://sam.aaron.name

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