On 18 Lug, 18:40, Arthur Edelstein <arthuredelst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tamreen,
> On Jul 18, 5:38 am, Tamreen Khan <histor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It's a little confusing to see what's normally the text for the prompt,
> > "user=>", be in the window that shows the result. Why can't both the prompt
> > and the results be shown in the same area?
> That is a good point. I wanted a multi-line editor for the REPL input,
> so I put the REPL input and output in separate panes. But I agree it
> would be nice to have the prompt in the REPL input pane. I'm adding
> this suggestion to the issues. Thanks for the feedback!

FWIW, I solved a similar problem in the past with a GUI REPL for
another JVM-based Lisp (ABCL). Unfortunately Swing makes such a thing
harder than it should be, at least if you stick to the "right" way of
properly using the Document interface upon which JTextArea is based.
Perhaps you can leverage some of that work. That REPL is very minimal
and I took some shortcuts, but it could be a nice starting point,
especially wrt. the nasty concurrency issues imposed by how Document
works. It was tested on all the three major OSes. If you're
interested, you can find it here:


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