
this should be what you need:

On Jun 18, 3:52 pm, Matt Mitchell <goodie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have 3 namespaces, each with functions that relate to the name of the ns:
> core -- contains config and *server* var
> query  -- contains fn's related to querying
> update -- contains update/delete fn's
> I want to be able to "use" my core ns in my application, and call all of the
> public fn's in core, query and update without going through the query and
> update ns aliases. This would be as simple as specifying "use" in the core
> ns when defining the namespace.
> The problem is that the query and update ns's need to access a var called
> *server* in the core ns. The *server* var is set using binding like so:
> (use 'my.core)
> (with-server :whatever-sever-name
>   (delete-by-id "xyz"))
> delete-by-id is an fn in the update namespace, and looks something like:
> (defn delete-by-id [id] (*server*/delete-by-id id))
> The problem is *server* belongs to core, so that doesn't work. If I pull in
> core to the update ns, I get a circular reference error.
> My question is, how can I keep my code separated as it is, but have it so I
> use core, and automatically bring all the fn's in to the same scope, all
> while sharing the core/*server* var? I could easily push all the fn's in the
> same ns, but that seems messy.
> Thanks,
> Matt

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