My 2c:

Regarding learning how to model a complex data structure in a
functional paradigm:

  I can think of few resources which sum up the proper mindset you
need to get into
  better than the canonical Clojure essay on state and identity, found

Regarding how to model a graph in Clojure:

  I would suggest that you avoid thinking about refs unless you are
likely to need to
  perform some kind of concurrent updates to your graph.  A nested
associative data
  structure should do the trick just fine.

(defrecord Node [foo bar baz])

(defn node [foo bar baz] (Node. foo bar baz))

(def the-graph {})

(defn add-node [g n]
  (if (g n)
    (assoc g n {:next #{} :prev #{}})))

(defn add-edge [g n1 n2]
  (-> g
      (add-node n1)
      (add-node n2)
      (update-in [n1 :next] conj n2)
      (update-in [n2 :prev] conj n1)))

(defn remove-edge [g n1 n2]
  (-> g
      (add-node n1)
      (add-node n2)
      (update-in [n1 :next] disj n2)
      (update-in [n2 :prev] disj n1)))

(defn remove-node [g n]
  (if-let [{:keys [next prev]} (g n)]
      #(dissoc % n)
      #(reduce (fn [g* n*] (remove-edge g* n* n)) % prev)
      #(reduce (fn [g* n*] (remove-edge g* n n*)) % next))

(defn contains-node? [g n]
  (g n))

(defn contains-edge? [g n1 n2]
  (get-in g [n1 :next n2]))

(defn next-nodes [g n]
  (get-in g [n :next]))

;; Assumes DAG
(defn depth-first-search [g root-node goal?]
  (loop [open-list (list root-node)]
    (when-first [n open-list]
      (if (goal? n)
        (recur (concat (next-nodes g n) (rest open-list)))))))

And there you go.  A fast, functional DAG implementation that doesn't
use any mutable state.

  Happy hacking,

On Jun 16, 10:08 am, Colin Yates <> wrote:
> (newbie warning)
> Our current solution is an OO implementation in Groovy and Java.  We
> have a (mutable) Project which has a DAG (directed acyclic graph).
> This is stored as a set of nodes and edges.  There are multiple
> implementations of nodes (which may themselves be Projects).  There
> are also multiple implementations of edges.
> My question isn't how to do this in a functional paradigm, my first
> question is *how do I learn* to do this in a functional paradigm.  I
> want to be able to get the answer myself ;).  To that end, are there
> any "domain driven design with functional programming" type resources?
> A more specific question is how do I model a graph?  These graphs can
> be quite extensive, with mutations on the individual nodes as well as
> the structure (i.e. adding or removing branches).  Does this mean that
> every every node would be a ref?  I think the general answer is that
> the aggregate roots are refs, meaning they are an atomic block, but is
> there any more guidance?

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