My 2c: Regarding learning how to model a complex data structure in a functional paradigm:
I can think of few resources which sum up the proper mindset you need to get into better than the canonical Clojure essay on state and identity, found here: Regarding how to model a graph in Clojure: I would suggest that you avoid thinking about refs unless you are likely to need to perform some kind of concurrent updates to your graph. A nested associative data structure should do the trick just fine. (defrecord Node [foo bar baz]) (defn node [foo bar baz] (Node. foo bar baz)) (def the-graph {}) (defn add-node [g n] (if (g n) g (assoc g n {:next #{} :prev #{}}))) (defn add-edge [g n1 n2] (-> g (add-node n1) (add-node n2) (update-in [n1 :next] conj n2) (update-in [n2 :prev] conj n1))) (defn remove-edge [g n1 n2] (-> g (add-node n1) (add-node n2) (update-in [n1 :next] disj n2) (update-in [n2 :prev] disj n1))) (defn remove-node [g n] (if-let [{:keys [next prev]} (g n)] ((comp #(dissoc % n) #(reduce (fn [g* n*] (remove-edge g* n* n)) % prev) #(reduce (fn [g* n*] (remove-edge g* n n*)) % next)) g) g)) (defn contains-node? [g n] (g n)) (defn contains-edge? [g n1 n2] (get-in g [n1 :next n2])) (defn next-nodes [g n] (get-in g [n :next])) ;; Assumes DAG (defn depth-first-search [g root-node goal?] (loop [open-list (list root-node)] (when-first [n open-list] (if (goal? n) n (recur (concat (next-nodes g n) (rest open-list))))))) And there you go. A fast, functional DAG implementation that doesn't use any mutable state. Happy hacking, ~Gary On Jun 16, 10:08 am, Colin Yates <> wrote: > (newbie warning) > > Our current solution is an OO implementation in Groovy and Java. We > have a (mutable) Project which has a DAG (directed acyclic graph). > This is stored as a set of nodes and edges. There are multiple > implementations of nodes (which may themselves be Projects). There > are also multiple implementations of edges. > > My question isn't how to do this in a functional paradigm, my first > question is *how do I learn* to do this in a functional paradigm. I > want to be able to get the answer myself ;). To that end, are there > any "domain driven design with functional programming" type resources? > > A more specific question is how do I model a graph? These graphs can > be quite extensive, with mutations on the individual nodes as well as > the structure (i.e. adding or removing branches). Does this mean that > every every node would be a ref? I think the general answer is that > the aggregate roots are refs, meaning they are an atomic block, but is > there any more guidance? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at