Thanks Mark... It seems that it is still not resolving correctly

I changed the line in the project.clj file from:
              [work "0.2.4-SNAPSHOT"]
              [work "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"]

Intuitively, I would've expected to have increased the version number
as opposed to changing it to a lower number.  However, this is indeed
the version posted at the URL's you've provided below.

Here is the current project.clj file.  The only change I've made is
the version of the work snapshot noted above.

$ more project.clj
(defproject recruitassist "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
                 [org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]
                 [postgresql/postgresql "9.0-801.jdbc4"]
                 [clojureql "1.0.0"]
                 [compojure "0.5.3"]
                 [ring/ring-jetty-adapter "0.3.1"]
                 [org.clojars.gukjoon/ojdbc "1.4"]
                 [joda-time "1.6"]
                 [clj-time "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"]
                 [work "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"]
                 [clojure-csv "1.2.4"]]
  :dev-dependencies [[swank-clojure "1.2.1"]]
  :source-path "src/main/clojure"
  :test-path "test/main/clojure"
  :java-source-path "src/main/java"
  :java-test-path "test/main/java"
  :aot [recruitassist.core]
  :repositories {"snapshots" "
                 "releases" "

Running deps, however continues to produce errors in resolving
the dependencies...

$ deps
[INFO] snapshot clj-time:clj-time:0.3.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
from releases
[WARNING] repository metadata for: 'snapshot clj-time:clj-time:0.3.0-
SNAPSHOT' could not be retrieved from repository: releases due to an
error: Error transferring file
[INFO] Repository 'releases' will be blacklisted
[INFO] snapshot clj-time:clj-time:0.3.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
from snapshots
[WARNING] repository metadata for: 'snapshot clj-time:clj-time:0.3.0-
SNAPSHOT' could not be retrieved from repository: snapshots due to an
error: Error transferring file
[INFO] Repository 'snapshots' will be blacklisted
Downloading: clj-sys/plumbing/0.1.2-SNAPSHOT/plumbing-0.1.2-
SNAPSHOT.pom from clojure-snapshots
Downloading: clj-sys/plumbing/0.1.2-SNAPSHOT/plumbing-0.1.2-
SNAPSHOT.pom from clojars
Downloading: clj-sys/plumbing/0.1.2-SNAPSHOT/plumbing-0.1.2-
SNAPSHOT.pom from central
Downloading: clj-sys/plumbing/0.1.2-SNAPSHOT/plumbing-0.1.2-
SNAPSHOT.jar from clojure-snapshots
Downloading: clj-sys/plumbing/0.1.2-SNAPSHOT/plumbing-0.1.2-
SNAPSHOT.jar from clojars
Downloading: clj-sys/plumbing/0.1.2-SNAPSHOT/plumbing-0.1.2-
SNAPSHOT.jar from central
An error has occurred while processing the Maven artifact tasks.

Unable to resolve artifact: Missing:
1) clj-sys:plumbing:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=clj-sys -DartifactId=plumbing
-Dversion=0.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the
file there:
      mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=clj-sys -DartifactId=plumbing -
Dversion=0.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -
Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.apache.maven:super-pom:jar:2.0
        2) work:work:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT
        3) clj-sys:plumbing:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT

1 required artifact is missing.

for artifact:

from the specified remote repositories:
  clojure (,
  releases (,
  clojars (,
  clojure-snapshots (,
  snapshots (,
  central (

Exception in thread "main" Unable to resolve artifact: Missing:
1) clj-sys:plumbing:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=clj-sys -DartifactId=plumbing
-Dversion=0.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the
file there:
      mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=clj-sys -DartifactId=plumbing -
Dversion=0.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -
Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.apache.maven:super-pom:jar:2.0
        2) work:work:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT
        3) clj-sys:plumbing:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT

1 required artifact is missing.

for artifact:

from the specified remote repositories:
  clojure (,
  releases (,
  clojars (,
  clojure-snapshots (,
  snapshots (,
  central (

        at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
        at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
        at clojure.core$eval.invoke(core.clj:2382)
        at clojure.main$eval_opt.invoke(main.clj:235)
        at clojure.main$initialize.invoke(main.clj:254)
        at clojure.main$script_opt.invoke(main.clj:270)
        at clojure.main$main.doInvoke(main.clj:354)
        at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
        at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
        at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
        at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
        at clojure.main.main(
Caused by: Unable to resolve artifact: Missing:
1) clj-sys:plumbing:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=clj-sys -DartifactId=plumbing
-Dversion=0.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the
file there:
      mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=clj-sys -DartifactId=plumbing -
Dversion=0.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -
Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.apache.maven:super-pom:jar:2.0
        2) work:work:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT
        3) clj-sys:plumbing:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT

1 required artifact is missing.

for artifact:

from the specified remote repositories:
  clojure (,
  releases (,
  clojars (,
  clojure-snapshots (,
  snapshots (,
  central (

        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod(
        at clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeNoArgInstanceMember(
        at leiningen.deps$deps.invoke(deps.clj:132)
        at leiningen.deps$deps.invoke(deps.clj:155)
        at leiningen.deps$deps.invoke(deps.clj:156)
        at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
        at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
        at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
        at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:542)
        at leiningen.core$apply_task.invoke(core.clj:219)
        at leiningen.core$_main.doInvoke(core.clj:285)
        at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
        at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
        at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(
        at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:542)
        at leiningen.core$_main.invoke(core.clj:288)
        at user$eval153.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
        at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
        ... 11 more
Caused by:
1) clj-sys:plumbing:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=clj-sys -DartifactId=plumbing
-Dversion=0.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the
file there:
      mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=clj-sys -DartifactId=plumbing -
Dversion=0.1.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -
Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.apache.maven:super-pom:jar:2.0
        2) work:work:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT
        3) clj-sys:plumbing:jar:0.1.2-SNAPSHOT

1 required artifact is missing.

for artifact:

from the specified remote repositories:
  clojure (,
  releases (,
  clojars (,
  clojure-snapshots (,
  snapshots (,
  central (

        ... 34 more

On May 20, 1:19 pm, Mark Rathwell <> wrote:
> In the clojars repository, looks like the most recent versions are:
> [work "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"]
> [clj-time "0.3.0"]
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 1:01 PM, dudaroo <> wrote:
> > I am trying to help with an existing project and have no developer
> > notes on the application. I'm trying to use Lein to build the
> > project.clj project file.
> > Within the Clojure build file (named project.clj), the dependencies
> > for the project are specified.  Two of the dependencies are developer
> > build SNAPSHOTS, rather than release build libraries.
> > The 'work:work:jar:0.2.4-SNAPSHOT' build is missing and unable to
> > resolve.  The actual error message is included below. Could you
> > provide any insight into the purpose of the 'work:work:jar:0.2.4-
> > SNAPSHOT' developer build?  Perhaps where I could locate the
> > subsequent release build of this library?  Or was this perhaps a
> > temporary build that was used for some purpose, but not needed anymore
> > even?
> > The other SNAPSHOT appears to be used for the purpose of date/time
> > handling; it is clj-time:clj-time:0.3.0-SNAPSHOT. It is producing the
> > warning included here:  [INFO] snapshot clj-time:clj-time:0.3.0-
> > SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from snapshots [WARNING] repository
> > metadata for: 'snapshot clj-time:clj-time:0.3.0-SNAPSHOT' could not be
> > retrieved from repository: snapshots due to an error: Error
> > transferring file.
> > Any help, tips, or insight would be very much appreciated on this
> > one!  Is there is a more appropriate group to address this question?
> > Thanks so much!
> > Dudaroo
> > --
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