On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 10:26 PM, Brent Millare <brent.mill...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey,
> Can you give a simple explanation how your methods would be faster
> than multimethods. Does this mean your implementation uses protocols
> underneath? How does multimethods work? How many branches?
> -Brent

There's quite a bit of overhead in the current implementation of

- dispatch fn
- in order to deal w/ complex matches dispatch fn must construct a
- this collection is looked up in map
- if not found check to see that if it's been memoized
- if not memoized check to figure out if it matches an entry in the map
- when found memoize

In the implementation I'm proposing we only do the following:

- literal matches are dealt with case
- instance? or custom predicate matches done w/ if


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