Hi Shree,

while I wouldn't dare give you technical advice, I may have something
to offer as a fellow Clojure noob. I did try Sandbar for my project,
but found, as I delved deeper into the universe of Clojure web
development, that I was altogether over-complicating everything. This,
and the fact that Sandbar is undergoing something of a metamorphosis
both the options of utilising the current stable release (which is
likely to be relatively stagnant and unlikely to attract many more
enhancements or documentation), and braving trunk (which is unstable,
and unlikely to be adequately documented (for noobs, anyway) until at
least some time after release).
What I've discovered is that the whole deal is incredibly simple.
Start with Ring. It's tiny, and all it does is speak html at one end
(the end you don't need to care about unless you're a bona fide
Clojurist), and Clojure at the other. Everything you need is available
to you as Clojure maps, and all you have to do is write Clojure code
to manipulate those maps. The bit between the request map and the
response map are your Ring middlewares. Some of them might be part of
Ring itself (such as the few bundled session middleware components
which might be of use to you), middleware written by other people
(which could do anything at all), and your own code.

I have found that reducing the complexity of the tools you use greatly
reduces the complexity of the task of gluing everything together and
getting things working. Sandbar is a nice piece of work (props to
Brendon), but as a noob, with simple requirements, I now understand
that reaching for the most ornate magonote is probably the last thing
I should be doing, and that my fingers and a bit of determination are
all I need to get some satisfaction and get my immediate problems

Not that I'm suggesting you do the same, but I'm using Ring,
Compojure, Hiccup, and Clojureql to serve up my application and manage
sessions. Wiring those together with my application functions was very
easily accomplished, with the vast majority of my time spent trying to
get the presentation (HTML and CSS) right.

Don't get allow yourself to get despondent - I really think you'll
find solving your actual problems far simpler than you anticipated.
It's just a matter of, well, 'getting it'.

On May 11, 7:38 pm, Shree Mulay <shreemu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 10, 9:20 pm, Matthew Boston <matthew.bos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Maybe try looking at the source of a project on github using logins/
> > sessions.  One I'm currently using for reference is from 
> > 4clojurehttps://github.com/dbyrne/4clojure
> Hey Matthew,
> I'm looking at the code. If I can't get headway on Ring, I might try
> again with Sandbar.  The login at @https://github.com/dbyrne/4clojure/
> blob/develop/src/foreclojure/login.clj might cover my requirements,
> except that it uses mongodb as it's store...  hmmmmm....
> Worth looking at nonetheless.  :))))
> Thanks,
> shree

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