Many thanks for all of your contributions so far! I definitely will
(and already have to some extent) go through the recommended links.
One additional project I came across that looks interesting is midje:

I see the point of having a forum to discuss best solutions, but that
is a different matter from what I am talking about.

Code looks different if you look at some lines of code or if you look
at projects that have a relevant size (more than 100k lines of code)
and where more than 10 people have worked on over an extended period
of time. In addition the reason for looking for a project that is less
technical and more domain specific is that typically developers have a
very good understanding of how a technical solution should look like.
They have the requirements already in their heads, because they are
the final audience, the end-users. In a domain specific project the
requirements come from outside and the business domain is typically
not clear from the start. The project has to develop ways on how to
deal with the evolution of the understanding/insight into the problem

You get a balanced view across different styles by looking at several
projects of relevant size. Different teams find different solutions to
similar problems.

Projects that are not open-source but would seem to fall in the
category that I am looking for are FlightCaster and TheDeadline:

Do you know of any projects of that type that are open-source to be
able to analyse the code?

Many thanks!

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