IEEE Software
Special Issue
Algorithms and Today’s Practitioner
Call for Papers

IEEE Software seeks submissions for a special issue on the topic of
Algorithms and Today’s Practitioner, with
the aim of bringing the message to today’s practitioners that the
everyday relevance of algorithms to software
engineers is clear and present. This issue will focus on the central
role of algorithms in the software engineering
community, bringing both a historical perspective on breakthrough
algorithms that have enabled entire industrial
sectors to advance and a contemporary perspective on algorithms in
everyday industrial practice.
We encourage contributions that stress the relevance of algorithms to
modern topics in software engineering
that survey modern algorithmic accomplishment, and that highlight the
central role of algorithms in today’s
software engineering practice. Also, we seek articles that give a
general overview of the main algorithmic
approaches and libraries adopted in real-world applications of
interest for the software engineering community,
thus providing a useful tool that would help in the selection of the
appropriate solutions in today’s practitioner
work. Areas of particular interest include:

- Overview articles of key areas in which algorithmic advances have
made possible the emergence and
growth of significant business sectors (e.g. computer graphics,
search, massively parallel computing,
- Articles on the practical selection and utilization of algorithms in
everyday industrial projects in order to
elevate and guarantee the quality of products and services produced.
- Articles on new paradigms and techniques for communicating
algorithms to practitioners, much as the
design pattern paradigm opened the way for the communication of
software design principles.
- Articles on important packages and delivery mechanisms for
algorithms to today’s development
environments, including best practices and approaches for their
- Articles on modern teaching approaches that expose students and
practitioners to compelling real-world
applications of algorithmic techniques.

Potential authors are reminded of the practitioner-related mission of
IEEE Software and that theoretical, formula-
laden presentations of specific algorithmic topics are considered to
be out of scope and may be rejected without

Manuscripts must not exceed 5,400 words including figures and tables,
which count for 200 words each.
Submissions in excess of these limits may be rejected without
refereeing. The articles we deem within the
theme's scope will be peer-reviewed and are subject to editing for
magazine style, clarity, organization, and
space. We reserve the right to edit the title of all submissions. Be
sure to include the name of the theme you are
submitting for. Articles must be submitted on the IEEE Software author
submission site.

Papers must be submitted no later than 1 June 2011; publication is
scheduled for January/February 2012.

Guest Editors:
Giuseppe Prencipe, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa —
John Favaro, INTECS SpA — john.fav...@intecs.it
Alessandro Tommasi, Comprendo Srl — a.tomm...@comprendo.it
Cesare Zavattari, Comprendo Srl — c.zavatt...@comprendo.it

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