On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Alan <a...@malloys.org> wrote:
> (let [fnmaker4 (fn [coll] (fn [n] (nth coll n)))
>      ints (range)]
>  (= (fnmaker4 ints) (fnmaker4 ints)))
> You want to make it impossible to compare functions that close over
> infinite sequences? What is the point of being able to compare
> functions if there are cases in which using the functions will
> succeed, and the existing comparison strategy would not cause errors,
> but your new proposal does?

Hm, that is a problem. You'd need to compare not the sequences, but
their generator functions. :)

> Similarly, if you try to eval such a function, your proposed function-
> eval semantics would, as I understand it, store its closed-over values
> in a class constant somewhere. Then there's some secret place holding
> onto the head of my lazy sequences for me? No thanks.

Your fnmaker4 already holds onto the head of ints, above, so that this:

user=> (def q (fnmaker4 (iterate inc 0)))
user=> (q 119)
user=> (q 0)

can work properly.

Externalizing of lazy sequences that are potentially infinite does
present a complex issue, though. One option is to not allow it. (Right
now, I think it will actually try to write out an infinite sequence to
disk and eventually run out of filesystem space if you use prn or
something.) Another is to try to output not the sequence, but code
that will reconstruct the sequence, which means being able to
externalize the function references involved. :)

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